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US Paraffin Additives 石蠟增補劑 (Vybar 103)

US Paraffin Additives 石蠟增補劑 (Vybar 103)

Regular price MOP$54.00
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American Vyber 103 (for additives/granules)
It is an American-made additive developed specifically for candles. Use by adding 1-2% to paraffin. It is characterized by the fact that a small amount can achieve a high effect and can reduce bubbles and cracks in the candle to give the surface a glossy appearance. In addition, in order to prevent the core from being clogged with spices, you can add more spices than usual.

[Product Information]
Raw materials: Hyperbranched polymer
■Melting point: 66-82°C
■Shape: Granular
Country of Origin: United States

* Cannot produce candles when used alone (100%).
*Not suitable for soy wax and palm wax.
*Please do not heat the wax directly, but melt it in a hot water bath before use.

Vybar enhances fragrances & color quality, increases hardness and surface gloss, and also helps reduce air bubbles and mottling. Recommended usage is 1/4 - 1/2 tsp per pound of wax.
For use with waxes that have melting points ABOVE 130°F.
This additive is NOT necessary when using our waxes since they are blends that already contain this additive. We offer this additive to those who are using a base paraffin wax that does not already contain Vybar.

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