CW - Eclad de Arpeges 光韻 (La Type)
CW - Eclad de Arpeges 光韻 (La Type)
Eclad de Arpeges 光韻
(Lanvin Type)
混合... Lanvin 的 Eclad de Arpeges 型香油。 |
香的強度 |
弱的 |
中間 |
強的 |
香耐熱性 |
低的 |
中間 |
高的 |
香味的持久性 |
短的 |
中間 |
長 |
香調 |
麝香,花香 |
推薦使用埸所 |
化妝間,浴室 |
可以混合香水基底液嗎? |
是的 |
IFRA證書 |
類型香油是與知名品牌 |
Eclad de Arpeges 光韻 (Lanvin Type) |
起源 |
法國 |
形狀 |
透明液體(根據氣味有顏色,佩戴時可能會略有不同。) |
閃點 |
> 200℉ (93.3℃) |
用途和等級 |
基於大豆蠟(包括石蠟/棕櫚蠟/蜂蠟)的蠟燭製造香油 IFRA (International Fragrance Association) 認證標準
<禁止物品清單> |
預防措施 |
將本產品用作高濃縮香油時,請注意以下事項。 - 本品為高濃度未稀釋產品,對香精敏感者不建議直接處理。香水油和精油 |
換貨和退款信息 |
不適用 |
Candleworks 獨特的混合香精油
- Candleworks的香油是直接委託美國著名香精製造商通過多次樣品製作而成。所以Candleworks賣的香油和其他地方賣的產品不一樣,只有Candleworks處理。我們不會製造隨處可見的“普通香水”,以區分即使是同名的香水。即使在生產過程中單價有所上漲,我們也堅持不含鄰苯二甲酸鹽。我們想通知您,我們正在通過專業調香師對細節的細微之處進行微調,從而創造出 Candleworks 獨有的獨特香味。
鄰苯二甲酸鹽是工業化學品,在許多塑料產品中用作增塑劑。最近,隨著鄰苯二甲酸鹽的危害性和人體暴露的研究成果浮出水面,禁止將其用於化妝品、食品容器和兒童用品中。Candleworks Fragrance Oil 在製造過程中不含鄰苯二甲酸鹽。在鄰苯二甲酸酯中,鄰苯二甲酸二乙酯(DEP)目前還不是化妝品中的違禁物質,其穩定性也得到了證實,但現在很多公司都宣稱不含鄰苯二甲酸酯,Candleworks也被用來盡可能減少人體接觸鄰苯二甲酸酯. 鄰苯二甲酸鹽絕不會添加到配方配方中。所有 Candleworks 香精油都是不含鄰苯二甲酸鹽的產品,因此您可以放心使用。購買前,請查看鄰苯二甲酸鹽成分披露文件,該文件是 Candleworks 文件庫中不含鄰苯二甲酸鹽的證明。
Cleaning products: soap (solid/liquid), body cleanser, shampoo, conditioner, face cleanser, dish detergent, laundry detergent, etc.
Baby products: lotions,
Cosmetics such as powder, wet tissue, etc .: Facial cream, color makeup, nail care, facial mask, etc.
Perfume and fragrance: Solid/liquid perfume, diffuser, fiber deodorant, etc.
All non-skin contact products
This safety test is for verifying the safety of the fragrance oil itself in contact with the skin, and is not a result of a compatibility test according to the properties of each application and a specific recipe. (Mixability and product deterioration, etc.)
Cosmetics: Lipstick, lip balm
cleaning products: Mouthwash, toothpaste
Please note the following when using this product as a highly concentrated fragrance oil.
-It is a 100% highly concentrated undiluted product, so if you are sensitive to fragrance products, it is not recommended to handle it directly. Fragrance oil and essential oil undiluted solutions may cause headaches and eye irritation, depending on the individual.
-Ventilate enough after mixing the fragrance oil and wax.
-Do not inhale the undiluted solution for a long time or contact the skin, and keep the lid closed at all times.
-Keep out of reach of children and pets.
-Do not use more than the recommended dilution amount.
-Avoid direct sunlight and fire.
Fragrance and natural essential oils may have different scents depending on the individual or may not suit the customer's taste, and cannot be returned or exchanged even if they have not been used. This is because the returned product cannot be sold to anyone else for the purity of the oil. Before bulk purchase, we recommend that you test with a small purchase of 20ml. Please check this point and purchase carefully.